2010-05-06, Thu

He turned my mourning into dancing

Here is the lyrics to a kids’ song that many of us know, but only turned up 6 hits in Google. Hopefully this will be the 7th result.

He turned my mourning into dancing
He turned my sorrow into joy
A song of praise instead of sadness
and for my grief the oil of joy (x2)

That we might be trees of righteousness
The planting of the Lord
That he might be glorified (x2)

Does anyone know where this song originated from?

Isaac Su

tags: lyrics song

Comment [22]


2010-05-04, Tue

Diary of the Standing Table - Day 2

  • Standing table is not good for drawing/graphic work.
Isaac Su



2010-05-03, Mon

Diary of the Standing Table - Day 1

First day of actually using the Standing Table


  • I’m enjoying the seamlessness of walking around and getting to my workstation. There is no ‘transition’ between sitting and walking around. Just walk up to the table and park myself there.
  • After about 5 hours on my feet, I’ve finally had to take a rest from standing because the mild fatigue is distracting me from my work. This soreness in my soles, my calves, my thighs and lower back should be temporary as my stabilizing muscles start adapting to their new workload.
  • It’s nice to be able to move to music, and fold your arms at your work.
  • I’m beginning to find a comfortable ‘leaning’ position with my left arm extended diagonally outwards and pushing down on the table as I maneuver the mouse with my free hand.


  • I might have clocked in about 7 hours on my feet today.
  • Fatigue registering in lower-back, rear-end, thighs, calves, and most prominently, my soles.
  • I probably need to get some form of footwear, or a thick squishy rubber mat to even out the pressure on my feet.
  • A bar stool would provide a good alternative to switch between too.
  • No trouble with feeling sleepy in the afternoon.

Isaac Su

tags: standing-table



2010-05-03, Mon

Diary of the Standing Table - Day 0

I’ve just extended the legs of my table (they’re adjustable variety) so now my table is standing at 88cm. The top of my monitors are at around 65cm from the base of the table, so they’re standing at approximately 153cm.

First things I’m realizing right away:

  • It’s hard to engage in ‘leisurely’ activities. Perhaps this is because the posture is a very ‘active’ one, as opposed to the sedentary posture that I would usually assume when seated.
  • It’s late at night, and I have no desire to procrastinate from going to bed. Usually I’d want to check ‘just one more thing’ before going to bed.
  • I’m starting to feel some adjustments going on in my shoulders, my lower back, my calves and the balls of my feet.
  • Higher table means more space under the table for storage. Also, I don’t really need the space under the table to ‘store’ my feet as when seated.
  • I’m finding it difficult to read long articles while standing.

Isaac Su

tags: standing-table



2010-01-03, Sun

How to change file or folder permissions recursively with chmod

I needed to change all the php files in a web project to 644 when they were all actually set to 755, and all the folders to 755 when they were set to 700. Here’s how it’s done.

To set all the folders to 755:

    find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

To set all files to 644:

    find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

To set only files that end with .php to 755 (pattern escaped with slashes)

    find . -name \*\.php -exec chmod 755 {} \;

You get the idea. Basically, we’re using the find utility to pick out the files we’re wanting to work with, and executing chmod over them.

Isaac Su

tags: bash chmod find linux permissions recursive shell unix

Comment [1]


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